Thursday, October 31, 2019

Interim Report ( for me ) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interim Report ( for me ) - Assignment Example If you are still uncertain about the answer to any question please speak to your Dissertation Supervisor/Supervisor, Faculty Research Ethics Panel (FREP) Chair or the Departmental Research Ethics Panel (DREP) Chair. The risks participants, colleagues or the researchers may be exposed to have been considered and appropriate steps to reduce any risks identified taken (risk assessment(s) must be completed if applicable, available at: or the equivalent for Associate Colleges. On this project I will be looking for the things which technology made them more easier for us. Like communicating, treating, traveling, etc. Also I will focus on the side effects of technology and the disadvantages of using it. I also will cover more parts about age of people who impacts of technology more than the others. What is technology ? how did it impact on our society? Did it make us more isolated and disconnected from each other? How did it change our life when we communicate, treat and travel? Are there any side effects on using technology? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Require the co-operation of a gatekeeper for initial access to the human participants (e.g. pupils/students, self-help groups, nursing home residents, business, charity, museum, government department, international agency)? By sending this form from My Anglia e-mail account I confirm that I will undertake this project as detailed above. I understand that I must abide by the terms of this approval and that I may not substantially amend the project without further

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Scope and Definition of Evil Essay Example for Free

The Scope and Definition of Evil Essay The Chinese symbol, Yin Yang, have always amazed me. It has been believed to be a symbol of the balance of the forces of good and evil in the world. It speaks of the coexistence of good and evil; that each cannot overthrow the other or that one cannot subsist without the other. Thus, in the concept of evil and its meaning, it is only proper that good should come with it. But then, if we speak of evil, we are already implicitly speaking of goodness. Consequently, what then is the definition of evil? To what extent does the concept of evil grasp? In the first place, is there really such a thing as evil? Evil has so many definitions in the different contexts that it can invade. In Christian theology, evil is simply that which should not exist at all (Sharpe, 1909). Evil is the summation of all the opposition and negative events and situations that can render suffering to mankind. In popular Christian discussions, evil amounts to one thing, that is, the absence of good. This is somewhat in contrary to the concept that lies within the Yin Yang symbol. In relation to Christianity, other traditional religions claim that evil is an active force that drives anyone into doing acts of violence and any other deed that can jeopardize human life or life itself. Thus, terrorist attacks, torture and murder are some examples of the different forms of evil. In general terms, evil is intentional behavior or stimulation of others resulting to events that demean, dehumanize, harm, destroy or kill innocent people (Zimbardo, 2003, p. 3). It does not only include the very action of violence but also evil is something that urges one to do immoral acts that defame people. Furthermore, evil cannot only reside tangibly; it can also exist in the mind. Thus, evil can be regarded as a group of thoughts in one’s mind that plan to or wish to inflict harm or death to certain people. The nature of evil can be classified into three types. The first of which is physical evil that can cause bodily harm or harm to man’s properties (Sharpe, 1909). It is therefore physically evil to rob someone. It is consequently the same evil to shot someone. One very famous example of this type of evil is the September 11 terrorist attack on World Trade Center twin towers. Another type of evil is called moral evil. As its name implies, it concerns the principles that a person has or a particular society possesses. Moral evil encompasses the deviations and violations from the accepted set of beliefs that a person or an event causes. Such evil is observed in the tradition of cannibalism which is one of the many ancient practices that is condemned by the major religions of the world. In the modern times, an example of moral evil is the view of Christians against contraception. To the Roman Catholic Church, the use of contraception is moral evil. It violates the moral belief that only God can decide when or how one will have a baby. It violates the belief that though there is still is no physical evidence of a life in the tummy of a woman, life can already exist. The third type of evil is known as the metaphysical evil. This evil is very complicated since it does not speak of physical or conceptual evil in the sense that the two former types exist. Metaphysical evil does not involve human beings but rather the environment they live in and the things found in it (Sharpe, 1909). It is related to nature, plants, animals the elements of the world. Surprising as it may seem, we surely have encountered such. Pain, harm or damage inflicted to animals or anything comprising the things found in nature is evil. But it is not the same evil which can be regarded to human since no one can actually define the emotions and feelings, if such exist, of the things and creatures in the environment. Thus, metaphysical evil is only a representation of the evil that can exist in nature. Looking at the different types of evil, we would certainly perceive the relativity of its concept. The evil that a group of persons may consider can be considered good by another society. An act of violence condemned by others may be an act or heroism to some. Hence, there is no real line that separates the good and evil of the world. Who then has the right set of limitations regarding evil? Spinoza pointed out that due to this complication, evil can be judged by everyone according to what his or her conscience dictates (2005, p. 135). If so, then, there is no exact and distinguishing rule between what is evil and what is good. This may sound confusing. In extreme cases, it actually may be simple. If one is choosing between two things in extremes, such as life and death, surely, it will be easy to decide that death is evil and life is good. Nevertheless, if we look into more complex situations wherein the two choices are both good and still have to decide which is better and which one is not, it can be very difficult. In the same manner is when a person is confronted with two evil things where he has to judge the lesser evil. It is thus proper to state that evil is that which is the lesser good. In another explanation of evil, it is discussed as â€Å"knowing better but doing worse† (Zimbardo, 2003, p. 3). This may somehow simplify the issue of judgment. What is evil is what is deemed to be evil by one’s conscience. If a person’s mind speaks of an action as harmful, and yet the person continues to execute such endeavor, it is then considered evil. On the other hand, this opens the possibility that not all violence can be viewed as evil. If the person performing the act is not aware that what he is doing is a form of violence, then it is not evil at all. To be guilty of evil is to deliberately do an act of cruelty knowing it causes pain to other beings. Furthermore, deliberately doing a perceived evil and taking pleasure in it is far worse. Yet, can anyone be considered innocent of evil because of ignorance of it? In a different context, ignorance itself is evil since the idea of evil is that which opposes or negates. Another aspect that can be broadened in the concept of evil is the source from whence it came. In the book, â€Å"Augustine on Evil† by Gillian Evans, evil is asserted to come completely from a person’s will (1994, p. 98). In Christian theology, evil can be the product of Satan, also known as Lucifer, who somehow resolved to build his own empire. It is also believed that Satan’s kingdom is the world. It is therefore justifiable to state that evil can come from man’s will since man is of the world. Nevertheless, evil can also be due to the presence of good. How can one come into such a conclusion? In the earlier discussions, we have defined that evil is the absence of good. It is the counterpart of goodness. Thus, the existence of good can account for the existence of evil. Categorically, one can also say that evil thrive in society because pain and violence is visible. But then, violence and terror are products of evil. In sum, evil can ironically come out of good. Without goodness, evil cannot subsist. To further explain this point, let us take for example the existence of good people. The existence of good persons can attract what we consider evil since unconsciously, by being good, people become prone to abuse which can be a ground for evil actions. According to Alford, evil is an encounter with dread (1997, p. 3). But then, let’s get back to the Chinese symbol, yin yang. Observing it intently, we will see the equal line that differentiates the white from the black. It speaks of balance and justice between the two forces, if there is such a thing as justice between evil and good. For every evil that can transpire there is corresponding equal good that can come out of the situation. Further examination of the symbol will affirm that good cannot be intertwined with evil in a way of blending. There is no such thing as a grey idea of good and evil. If a thing is evil, it will remain evil though much of the modern people claim it to be otherwise. If it is good, then it will forever remain good. No evil can be completely evil because in the process, good will always sprout out. It is true, many of us have experienced evil in our lives but it is seldom realized that the hurts evil can bring to us is countered. With every evil experience, lessons are learned. Without evil, we will never understand and enjoy goodness, just as we won’t understand a smile if we don’t recognized a frown in the first place.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Benefits of Multi Functionality System

Benefits of Multi Functionality System A project can be defined as a temporary measure that is undertaken to create a result. The term temporary means that every project must have a start and a set end date. The end is reached when the objectives of the project have been achieved, or it becomes clear that the project aims for whatever reason will not be met, or the need for the project is not now necessary. Many projects can last for several years. However, the duration of a project is set and would be unfeasible for the project to go on for an indefinite period. Most projects that are undertaken would aim to create or improve something that is needed most projects that are taken on are done for a reason.   For example, the project to erect a Rugby League Greats statue, of four Rugby League Legends will create a result expected to last for many years to come. One thing that cant always be predicted is that sometimes projects often have unintended social, and environmental impacts that far outlast the projects themselves. Project Background The purpose of the project is to critically assess what benefits a new system that has multi functionality would be to Vodafone. At the current time, Vodafone have three different systems that hold vital account information, customer information and network information, this itself causes various problems when it comes to finding a customers details. If the project were to be a success, we could see a reduction in wasted time locating customers details and an overall better organised structure of customer details. Project Aim and Objectives The aim of the project is to investigate and assess the need for a system for Vodafone that can incorporate new and old customers within one main system.   With an initial budget cost of 15 million. By conducting this research, it will give an insight upon what impact the incorporation of said such system would have on the business, stakeholders and the employees. At the current time, Vodafone use three different systems that hold vital account information and customer usage information, this lacks efficiently as has a negative knock on effect of advisors having to find a customers details in the various systems, which is not time effective and increases handling time. To have any kind of success the new system must include the following: Ability to allow just internal users to access the application without downloading any additional software Ability to interface with the existing two well established data warehouse applications. What advantage of a new system (business point of view) What advantage of a new system (Customers point of view) Example of other Business that have incorporated a similar method. Scope Currently, Vodafone use 3 systems for customers: Gemini Crystal VLTS Having 3 main systems is not ideal. Each system has a function that the other does not have, therefore all 3 systems are needed, what is proposed is to incorporate the three current systems to improve efficiency and overall cost. Gemini Used mainly for billing information and queries, would also be used for applying a credit and miscalculations on to account if there was a need to do so. Crystal Also has some billing functions but manually used for assigning faults to a 1st and 2nd tier technical team. VLTS Used for the barring of numbers and the monitoring of queues for problems that would occur on the network. Requirements The outcome of the project is to access the need for a new system the can incorporate all the key main functions of the old 3 systems. Quality of Project Reliability We would need the system to be reliable and to be able to cope with the demands of any tasks that it may need to undertake with large multiple users at the same time. Usability System will be complex due to the different functions it can perform, but must also be user friendly so that in order for the employees to be able to use it. List of Requirements Productivity Planning precision Precision in lead-time, etc. Staff have become frustrated with the need to use 3 systems for all manner of small to large tasks. This, in turn, is creating low staff morale and frustration. It is also creating a need for new starters to be trained on 3 individual systems which is costing the company more money in the long run. By assessing the idea of a new all in one system, this does would certainly create a more positive working atmosphere which in turn will make the workplace a happier environment and in turn happy staff = happy customers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thoughts on Jack Finneys Novel Time and Again :: essays research papers

Time and Again A novel by Jack Finney Despite the fact Time and Again is fictional, it makes one wistful, thinking of how incredible it would be to be in Simon Morley’s place. To be able to see the world exactly as if a day had not passed in the time of 1882, to converse, to touch, to just breathe the air of the past – is merely dreaming. Author Jack Finney describes how such a thing would come to pass – travelling back in time – and for a moment or more, I could believe every word. However far-fetched or seemingly plausible the novel was, it was told brilliantly, and the sketches helped one immerse themselves more and more into the tale. The novel had the similar effect of Dan Brown’s novels (The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, Deception Point) with meticulous research and facts, coupled with smart and abstract characters, and a theory or two, making for a convincing novel. But unlike Dan Brown’s novels, told with much suspense, heroism, and a distinctive hard-edged writing style, Time and Again was spun enthrallingly, but with a softer side, in the way character Simon Morley addressed the reader, almost in a conversational way. At some point in the story, most major characters had a moment where I felt as if it was truly summing up the character or their feelings, a moment where I truly felt as if I was seeing a depth in the character that was unknown before. Such as Jake Pickering, Julia Huff’s supposed husband-to-be, and his very unanticipated tattooing of JULIA across his chest – in defiance of Simon’s interference and his assertion of ‘owning’ Julia and her love, a very desperate act by a desperate man. Julia herself had many of these defining moments, but what I felt to be the most striking was her initial reaction the present as Simon took her back into his time. Julia’s alien-like wonder at such things as television, and the shortness the skirt Simon bought for her (knee-high). But it is how easily Julia adjusts to the newness all around her, and her innocence and horror at the violence we tolerate that truly made it a very prominent scene. It was a moment to reflect upon how we (North America especially) so easily accept the violence around us. As for Simon, he had many moments with much depth as well, but I found myself feeling very compassionate towards him when he returned back to 1882 for around the third or fourth time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Risks Of Cardiovascular Disease Health And Social Care Essay

The Rheos System is the device that can be used to take down blood force per unit area in patients who have immune high blood pressure ; the mechanism being stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors. It is unknown if there is any interaction between Rheos and conventional pacesetters. ( KARUNARATNE et al, 2010 ) I will besides be speaking about a really recent therapy for hypertensive patients ; nephritic sympathetic denervation ( RSD ) . It uses a state-of-the-art technique, â€Å" transdermal, catheter-based radiofrequency extirpation † . This has been shown to be good in patients with immune hypertension.A ( DOUMAS et al, 2010 ) Sufficient decrease in blood force per unit area can be readily achieved by bring oning unsusceptibility against marks in the RAAS. The mark antigen is a important factor in the effectivity and safety of the vaccinum. The angiotonin II vaccinum: CYT006-AngQb lessenings blood force per unit area in worlds but the consequences nevertheless were non consistent with more frequent dosing. Vaccines which can be used for hypertensive patient are still in the early stages. ( DO et al, 2010 ) High blood pressure has a high prevalence and has a slightly ill-defined definition. ( HASTIE et al, 2010 ) High blood pressure is something that needs to command. It is recommended that at least every five old ages grownups should hold their blood force per unit area checked until the age of 80. Peoples who have a high normal value for their systolic blood force per unit area, for illustration between 130 and139 mm Hg or who have a high normal value for their diastolic blood force per unit area, for illustration between 85 and 89 millimeters Hg ) are recommended to hold their blood force per unit area measured every twelvemonth. ( Brown et al, 2004 ) I will be discoursing some of the new anti hypertensive drug therapies available, the two chief 1s being viz. the carotid baroreceptor stimulation therapy and the nephritic arteria denervation process. Large-scale clinical tests and clinical surveies are presently traveling on with the purpose of specifying the safety of both the intercessions. ( GRASSI et al, 2010 ) This new implantable device which stimulates the carotid baroreceptors ( Rheos device ) activates the carotid baroreflex. This is done electrical stimulation of the carotid fistula wall: electrodes are really implanted on the outside surface of the carotid fistula wall. This is the first new therapy I will be speaking about. ( TOIDOIR et al, 2007 ) Activation of the nephritic sympathetic nervousnesss is a cardinal issue to the pathogenesis of indispensable high blood pressure in patients hence why I have decided to speak about this new approaching nephritic arteria denervation process. ( SYMPLICITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) I am besides traveling to be discoursing a new blood force per unit area vaccinum. The AngQb vaccinum uses an immunisation technique which involves the junction of angiotonin II to atoms which are similar to viruses. In a celebrated stage 2 test published in the Lancet, hypertensive patients were vaccinated with 300 mcgs of the vaccinum. After 14 hebdomads at that place was really a difference of 9.0 ( systolic ) /4.0 ( diastolic ) millimeter Hg. There were besides no serious inauspicious events recognized with the vaccinum disposal. ( GRADMAN et al, 2008 ) I will briefly speak about current medicine for hypertensive patients and eventually reexamine published documents which discuss conformity and attachment to anti hypertensive medicines. Carotid BARORECEPTORS: 1000 words The definition of immune high blood pressure would be the province that some patients face when antihypertensive drugs are non able to take down the blood force per unit area. This is a job that many physicians face at the minute in clinical pattern. ( GRASSI et al, 2010 ) . The chief intent of the arterial baroreflex is to keep the blood force per unit area rather near to a peculiar set point ( this is over a short period of clip. ) It is imperative to minimise blood force per unit area variableness by baroreflex mechanisms. In hypertensive worlds and animate beings, the baroreflex control of bosom rate has been shown to be diminished. ( HEAD et al, 2005 ) Therefore, it would follow on that a good mechanism of blood force per unit area control would be electrical activation of the carotid baroreflex. In the sixtiess and 1970s the carotid baroreflex was modulated as portion of the intervention for immune high blood pressure. The carotid fistula nervousnesss were stimulated inveterate utilizing implanted nervus electrodes and an implantable receiving system. However, t16 T. Reich, J. Tuckman, A.F. Lyon and J.H. Jacobson II, The effects of wireless frequence carotid fistula nervus stimulators in terrible high blood pressure, Surg Forum 18 ( 1967 ) , pp. 174-176.his technique ne'er became established as a possible therapy for high blood pressure. This was due to two chief grounds, one was the development of new pharmacological agents used in the intervention of high blood pressure ( e.g. ACE-Inhibitors ) and secondly because of proficient restrictions of implantable medical devices. ( TOIDOIR et al, 2007 ) More recent observations in inveterate instrumented animate beings have shown that the stimulation of carotid baroreflex can positively influenceA the long-run ordinance of arterial blood force per unit area. ( TOIDOIR et al, 2007 ) The Rheos System is an deep-rooted carotid fistula baroreflex triping system with a pulse generator and bilateral perivascular carotid fistula leads ( CSLs ) .It is has been and is still being evaluated in clinical tests for the intervention of drug-resistant high blood pressure. ( SANCHEZ et al, 2010 ) An of import clinical test was published last twelvemonth in Germany which tested this Rheos device. It looked at 7 work forces and 5 adult females ( an age scope crossing between 43 – 69 old ages ) who all suffered from immune arterial high blood pressure ( intervention resistant ) . Approximately one month before the survey took topographic point a â€Å" bilateral electric baroreflex stimulator † was implanted at the degree of the carotid fistula ; this was the Rheos device. Assorted things were measured including the intra-arterial blood force per unit area, bosom rate, plasma renin, musculus sympathetic nervus activity, cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex sensitiveness and norepinephrine concentrations. ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) These measurings were all performed under resting conditions, both with electric baroreflex stimulation and besides without electric baroreflex stimulation. The arterial blood force per unit area was 193 millimeter Hg ( plus or minus 9 ) over 94 ( plus or minus 5 ) millimeter Hg on medicines. The electric baroreflex stimulation reduced systolic blood force per unit area by 32 ( plus or minus10 ) millimeter Hg ( the scope being +7 to -108 mm Hg ; P=0.01 ) . ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) My reading would be that this is a really strong P value giving first-class grounds that this Rheos device is good for hypertensive patients. Muscle sympathetic nervus activity decreased rather aggressively when electric stimulation was started. After the lessening, there was an activity addition. However, throughout the existent stimulation period it remained below the baseline degree. Heart rate decreased 4.5 plus or minus 1.5 beats per minute with stimulation ( P & lt ; 0.05 ) . Again the P value here is important beef uping the grounds for Rheos device. The renin concentration in the plasma decreased 20 % plus or minus 8 % ( P & lt ; 0.05 ) . Yet once more here we have another important P value. The electric field stimulation of carotid fistula baroreflex did acutely decreased blood force per unit area in the patients. There were no negative effects on the existent physiological baroreflex ordinance. The response was mediated through sympathetic suppression. ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) MORE REVIEWS ON THIS Nephritic ARTERY DENERVATION: 1000 words Renal sympathetic hyperactivity is really associated with high blood force per unit area. Progression of high blood pressure can do chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) and bosom failure. A test was done in 2009 where nephritic sympathetic denervation was tested in patients who suffered from immune high blood pressure. The patients ‘ systolic blood force per unit areas were tantamount to 160 millimeters Hg or even higher ; they were all on 3 or more medicines for their high blood pressure ( this included a diuretic ) to reasonably measure blood force per unit area decrease effectivity every bit good as safety. The survey took on 50 patients who were all from five different European Centres. 5 patients were excluded from the nephritic denervation for anatomical grounds. They all received â€Å" transdermal radiofrequency catheter-based intervention † between the day of the months June 2007 to November 2008. They all besides had subsequent followup to 1 twelvemonth. ( Krum et al , 2009 ) The survey looked at the effectivity of nephritic sympathetic denervation. The primary end points included the blood force per unit areas at one, three, six, nine and twelve months after the process. In patients who had been treated with nephritic sympathetic denervation the baseline mean blood force per unit area was 177/101 millimeter Hg, ( average 4.7 antihypertensive medicines ) . The estimated GFR was 81 mL/min/1.73mA? . After the process the blood force per unit areas were reduced rather well. They were reduced by â€Å" -14/-10, -21/-10, -22/-11, -24/-11, and -27/-17 † millimeter Hg at one, three, six, nine and twelve months, severally. In the five patients who had non been treated, there was a average rise in blood force per unit area. The rises at one, three, six, nine and twelve months were â€Å" +3/-2, +2/+3, +14/+9 † , and +26/+17 mm Hg severally. ( Krum et al, 2009 ) The resultsA from this test were promising ; the catheter-based nephritic denervation caused sustained blood-pressure decrease in patients with immune high blood pressure. The decrease in blood force per unit area was rather significant and was without any serious inauspicious events. It was evaluated that more randomized clinical tests are necessary in order to look into the utility of this process farther. ( Krum et al, 2009 ) Equally good as this survey, another test was done the twelvemonth after ; this test was more big graduated table and was published in the Lancet. The purpose of this test was similar to the last 1 in that, they wanted to measure how effectual the catheter-based nephritic denervation in cut downing blood force per unit area in patients who had treatment-resistant high blood pressure was. The safety of the process was besides to be evaluated. In this randomized test, the patients used were those who had a systolic blood force per unit area of either 160 mmaˆ?Hg or more ( despite taking 3 or more antihypertensive drugs ) at the start of the test. These patients were indiscriminately allocated to hold the nephritic denervation with old intervention or to the other group: to keep old intervention entirely ( command group ) . The ratio for patients holding option 1 compared to option 2 was 1:1. The test included 24 take parting centres.A ( SYMPLICITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) 106 of the 190 patients ( this is tantamount to 56 % of the entire patients ) screened for eligibility were indiscriminately allocated to two different groups. The first group were the patients who were to have nephritic denervation, 52 patients were put here. The 2nd group was the control group, there were 54 patients put here. This happened between the day of the months June 2009 and January 2010. 49 of 52 patients who underwent the nephritic denervation were assessed after 6 months after the start of the test. 51 out of 54 patients who were in the control group were besides assessed after 6 months. In the nephritic denervation group, the blood force per unit areas were reduced by 32/12 mmaˆ?Hg, holding had a baseline of 178/96 mmaˆ?Hg, P & lt ; 0A ·0001. On the other manus, the blood force per unit area measurings in the control group were non different to the baseline blood force per unit areas, alteration of 1/0 mmaˆ?Hg, baseline being 178/97 mmaˆ?Hg. ( SYMPLIC ITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) The differences in both groups in footings of blood force per unit area at 6 months were hence 33/11 mmaˆ?Hg ( p & lt ; 0A ·0001 ) . The P value here is highly important, back uping grounds for this therapy. The happening of any inauspicious events was non different between the two groups. Overall, there were no studies about any serious procedure-related/device-related complications. It was evaluated that catheter-based nephritic denervation can well cut down blood force per unit area in patients with treatment-resistant hypertensive and can be used safely whilst making this. ( SYMPLICITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) REVIEWS ON THIS NEEDED BP VACCINE 500 words In carnal theoretical accounts, inoculation against renin has been shown to be effectual but has resulted in quite fatal autoimmune nephritic disease. Vaccines directed at angiotonin I and II and a section of the angiotonin 1 receptor did cut down blood force per unit area ( BP ) without doing autoimmune disease. In worlds, angiotonin I vaccination did non really cut down BP. ( GRADMAN et al, 2008 ) In the last twosome of old ages at that place has been some new grounds that a new blood force per unit area vaccinum could assist lower blood force per unit area. CYT-006-AngQb is a vaccinum in which a peptide derived from the angiotonin II molecule conjugates to the surface of virus-like atoms. ( PHISITKUL et al, 2009 ) The vaccinum was designed to assist dainty patients who suffered with high blood pressure. The vaccinum has the benefit of holding a comparatively durable consequence and therefore does non necessitate day-to-day dosing in comparing with pharmacological therapies. It was found that in hypertensive rat theoretical accounts, the vaccinum induced angiotensin-II-specific antibodies and decreased systolic blood force per unit area. This seems to be the method of how the vaccinum works. It is basically made up of a peptide which is derived from the Air National Guard II molecule, and this is so conjugated to the surface of virus like atoms. ( PHISITKUL et al, 2009 ) Presently, high blood pressure can be controlled sufficiently with bing drugs such as ACE inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers. However, intervention success is often restricted by patients who do non adhere to intervention. Immunisation against angiotonin II could work out this job. A celebrated survey was published in the Lancet merely over 2 old ages ago and it investigated the efficaciousness and safety of CYT006-AngQb. This is a vaccinum that is based on a virus-like atom ; the vaccinum marks angiotensin II in order to seek and cut down ambulatory blood force per unit area. ( TISSOT et al, 2008 ) The test was a placebo-controlled randomized â€Å" stage IIa † test. It consisted of 72 patients who suffered from mild-to-moderate high blood pressure. They were all were indiscriminately assigned to have injections of one of the undermentioned doses: 100 I?g of CYT006-AngQb, 300 I?g CYT006-AngQb or placebo. There were patients in each of the 3 groups. They were given their dosage at 3 different intervals ( hebdomads 0, 4, and 12 ) . Twenty four hr ambulatory blood force per unit area was measured twice, one time before intervention and so at hebdomad 14.A The reading was as follows: immunization with CYT006-AngQb vaccinum was linked with no serious inauspicious events which was assuring. In peculiar, the 300 I?g dosage decreased blood force per unit area in patients who had mild-to-moderate high blood pressure during the daylight ( chiefly in the early forenoon ) . ( TISSOT et al, 2008 ) This new vaccinum inhibits the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ( RAAS ) . This has made many clinicians question whether it is safe suppressing the actions of angiotonin II for several months? Some surveies have argued that suppression of the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system could be unsafe as the suppression could do salt and volume depletion and hence dangerous hyperkalaemia. a farther of import safety issue would be whether perennial stimulation of the immune system by supporter doses of a peptide could can do autoimmune disease ( SAMUELSSON et al, 2008 ) Although there are many inquiries remain sing efficaciousness and safety, RAAS immunisation represents a really advanced attack to anti hypertensive intervention. ( GRADMAN et, 2008 ) Given the mechanism of the vaccinum CYT-006-AngQb, and the first-class potency of complementing other high blood pressure interventions, success in ongoing stage II tests in patients with high blood pressure would do this therapy a valuable add-on for advisers handling hypertensive patients. ( PHISITKUL et al, 2009 ) Current intervention: 500 words Presently a broad scope of drugs are available for patients who suffer from high blood pressure. The chief 1s include water pills, sympathomimetic receptor adversaries, sympathomimetic receptor agonists, ca impart blockers, ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin II receptor adversaries and aldosterone adversaries. The chief diuretic most normally used in clinical practise isA bendroflumethiazide, which is a thiazide water pill. Other thiazide water pills include: Diuril, Microzide and epitizide. Loop water pills include: butmetanide, ethacrynic acid, Lasix and torsemide. Thiazide like water pills include: Hygroton, Lozal and metolazone. In add-on, there are besides potassium saving water pills which include amiloride, triamterene and Aldactone. Adrenergic receptor adversaries include foremost alpha blockers, secondly beta blockers and eventually assorted alpha and beta blockers. Examples of alpha blockers include Minipress, A Hytrin, Cardura, tolazoline, trimazosin, Vasomax, indoramin and phenoxybenzamine. Some illustrations of beta blockers include: Sectral, Tenormin, bisoprolol, Lopressor, oxprenolol, Visken, propanaolol, sotalol, and Blocadren. Assorted alpha and beta blockers include bucindolol, carvedilol and lebetalol. Alpha blockers tend to be non recommended as first line intervention for high blood pressure. Alpha-2 agonists include Catapres, alpha methyl dopa and guanfacine. Calcium channel adversaries include amlodipine, diltiazem, felodipine, isradipine, lacidipine, lercanidipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nisoldipine, and Calan. Examples of ACE inhibitors are: Capoten, cilazapril, Vasotec, fisinopril, Prinival, perindopril, quinapril, Altace, and Mavik. There are assorted angiotensin II receptor adversaries including: candesartan, eprosartan, irbesartan, losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan and Diovan. Finally, aldosterone adversaries include eplerenone and Aldactone. Talk ABOUT DIFFERENT CLASSES AND NICE GUIDELINES. Conformity + attachment to intervention: In footings of conformity to anti hypertensive medicine, there are some rather lurid figures. It has been stated that the bulk of over 1 billion hypertensive patients around the universe really remain with uncontrolled blood force per unit area. Furthermore, among existent hypertensive patients who do have anti hypertensive intervention, at least half of them fail to make presently recommended blood force per unit area marks ( in most states ) . ( GUPTA et al, 2010 ) It has been estimated that about 30 per centum of the grownup population in the United Kingdom are hypertensive, with their blood force per unit areas being over 140/90A millimeters Hg. It is either over 140/90 millimeters Hg or they are on blood force per unit area take downing medication.A Apparently, over half of hypertensives in the United Kingdom are non even on any intervention, and in add-on about half ( possibly even more ) of the people who are on the anti hypertensive intervention have blood force per unit areas over the existent threshold, 140 over 90A millimeters Hg. WHO ( World Health Organization ) estimates that about 50 to 70 % of patients do non take their antihypertensive medicine, and has described poor/non attachment to anti hypertensive medicine as the most important cause of uncontrolled /poorly controlled blood force per unit area. ( MANT et al, 2006 ) A systematic reappraisal was done in 2004 of randomized controlled tests which had looked at attachment to medicine with regard to blood force per unit area control. It was found that in seven of the tests an betterment in attachment to medicine was really associated with a lessening in blood force per unit area. However in a farther seven tests, a lessening in blood force per unit area was achieved even though there had been no betterment in attachment. Although this demonstrates that attachment to medicine is n't the lone factor involved in good blood force per unit area control, it predicts that it is most likely the chief factor. ( SCHROEDER et al, 2004 ) It has been reported than in the USA merely thirty five per centum of patients who suffer from high blood pressure have achieved equal blood force per unit area control. Unfortunately, non-compliance is one of the main barriers to intervention of high blood pressure. Vaccines against high blood pressure, injected every 4 – 6 months, can to an extent combat non-compliance. ( DO et al, 2010 ) High blood pressure unfortunately remains uncontrolled in over 50 % of treated patients. Some of the barriers which prevent good high blood pressure control include those that are physician-related, patient centred and all those related to the wellness system. The designation of uncontrolled high blood pressure and immune high blood pressure require good attending to accurate blood force per unit area measuring. Awareness of lifestyle factors, secondary causes of high blood pressure and right intervention are all important to designation of uncontrolled high blood force per unit area and immune high blood pressure. ( WOFFORD et al, 2009 ) There was a really interesting paper published last twelvemonth which looked at aged patients and conformity to anti hypertensive medicines. It was shown that up to a 3rd of aged hypertensive patients do non adhere to their medicine. Attachment to these medicines lessenings with increasing age, and besides with diminishing cognitive ability. Therefore more aged patients who are besides cognitively-impaired have poorer control of their blood force per unit area. Good control of blood force per unit area has been associated with reduced prevalence of both Alzheimer ‘s disease and dementedness, hence it is imperative that this category of the population is carefully monitored with regard to conformity to medicine. ( GARD et al, 2010 ) Decision In decision, the intervention of high blood force per unit area is more or less based on both drug therapy and lifestyle intercessions. Both of these things require patient attachment to be effectual. Unfortunately hapless conformity is seen in both of these attacks ; this is the chief ground for deficient blood force per unit area control. ( SAMUELSSON et al, 2008 ) Electrical field stimulation of carotid fistula baroreflex sensory nerves will acutely diminish arterial blood force per unit area in some patients who have treatment-resistant arterial high blood pressure or who are antihypertensive drugs. The stimulation will go forth the existent baroreflex map undisturbed. ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) This surgically deep-rooted Rheos device ( which electrically stimulates the carotid baroreflex system ) can be placed safely in a patient and will bring forth rather a important acute lessening in blood force per unit area without any major side effects. ( ILLIG et al, 2006 ) The catheter-based nephritic sympathetic denervation in add-on to standard pharmacologic therapy has shown to diminish high blood force per unit area values by a high magnitude ; this is likely to be priceless in diminishing the hazards of shot, bosom failure, shot and chronic renal failure which are all major slayers in the United Kingdom. ( Katholi et al, 2009 ) If inoculation against high blood force per unit area was both safe and effectual in the hereafter, it would perchance work out many jobs of non-compliance and non attachment to medicine. The test published in 2008 in the Lancet was true rather little and the writers even say themselves that more big graduated table surveies need to be carried out in order to demo the safety and efficaciousness of antibodies against angiotonin II in patients with high blood force per unit area. However, the consequences of this new vaccinum are really promising, and inoculation for high blood pressure may turn out to be really positive in many patients. ( HERLITZ et al, 2008 ) In decision, the three new drug therapies that I have talked about all have great possible ; hopefully they will all go successful therapies for future intervention immune hypertensive patients.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Detailed Guide on How to Write a Physics Term Paper

The Detailed Guide on How to Write a Physics Term Paper Writing a term paper is a significant part of the scientific work the student can perform during the process of studying. This kind of paper develops critical thinking and facilitates further explorations towards the specific problem. Due to the realization of differences between the essay, term and research paper on physics will provide the writer with the opportunity to create the works of the high quality. The Differences between the Essay, Term and Research Papers on Physics The physics essay is short in length one-three pages work, which purpose is to demonstrate the personal opinion towards the studying information. The essay is considered to be the easiest type of work as it does not require a comprehensive understanding of the particular problem. It consists of the personal opinion and the summary of the scientific facts, the combination of which aims to clarify the subject. The research paper on physics demands a writer to investigate the problem that is not well explored. It is usually an extensive work of more than five pages. This kind of paper requires the holistic understanding of the issue, the background of its appearance, the ways of its development, impact, and aftermaths it produces on the humankind, and the appropriate steps for its solution. The physics term paper targets to cover the issue studied during the course. In some cases, the term paper can be compared to the research considering their primary aims of investigations. The fundamental distinction of the term paper is based on the writer’s representation of the material. In this kind of work, it is possible to analyze the scholar sources combining with the personal feeling and ideas towards the theme of exploration. While based on the previous scholar explorations, the research paper targets to elaborate the solution of the physics issue, the term paper combines the analysis and evaluation of the scientific resources and the personal comprehension of the subject. A term paper can be a work of any length, from two pages up to eight and more. To elaborate a decent term paper on Physics, the writer should follow certain steps: Determine the topic of his/her investigation; Select the resources basis; Create an outline; Adhere to the structure of the term paper; Proofread the work. The Common Topics for a Physics Term Paper The Quantum Mechanics –The work which includes the analysis of Einstein’s theory of relativity and its correlation with the other fundamental theories of physics. The clarification of their interaction with classical mechanics leads to the explanations of the quantum mechanics appearance, its topicality, differences, and significance in contemporary physics. Newtonian Space-Time – The paper with the primary aim to explain the interaction between the Newtonian theory and the classical mathematical timing is highly appreciated. Due to the consideration that the scientist’s space-timing influences the physical laws of the external world, the paper declares that the space energy adheres to its unique nature that cannot be compared to the external one. The Astronomical Theories during the Time of Copernicus. The paper investigates the reasons for the alteration of the astronomical systems and the transition from the calendar methods of navigation. Basing on the inaccuracy and the desuetude of the traditional approaches, the explorations of Copernicus and other scholars promote the heliocentric system of Earth. Fluid Flows. The term paper which aims to analyze the Pascal’s Law and its correlation and evaluation of the pressurized water. The second point is based on the construction of the appropriate flow systems, considering the scholar’s law. The Inappropriate Topics for the Term Paper on Physics: The Effects of Friction; Beautiful Atmosphere; Electronic Circuit Theory; Kinetic Energy in Culture. These themes can undermine the student’s grade as they demand the more thorough and meticulous attitude towards the investigation. The Scholar Sources for the Term Papers on Physics â€Å"Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction† by Walter Greiner, 2011. The explanation of the impact the light produces on the Laws of Nature is the primary point of the book. â€Å"Understanding Space-Time: The Philosophical Development of Physics from Newton to Einstein† by Robert DiSalle, 2006. The target of the book is the indication of the historical prerequisites to the appearance of the space-time theory, its development, and the interaction with the other theories of physics. â€Å"Copernicus Secret: How the Scientific Revolution Began† by Jack Repcheck, 2007. The book represents the history of Copernicus manuscript and the scientist’s elaboration on the heliocentric cosmological model. â€Å"Stability Criteria for Fluid Flows† by Adelina Georgescu, Lidia Palese, 2010. The authors aim to represent the conditions of the fluid flow stability due to the implementation of the specific methodology of investigation. The Additional Sources of Information on: The Quantum Mechanics: Robert Coolman, â€Å"What Is Quantum Mechanics?† PBS, â€Å"Quantum Mechanics† Chad Orzel, â€Å"Six Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Physics† Newtonian Space-time: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, â€Å"Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion† Kyoto University, â€Å"Neo-Newtonian Spacetime† Incandescence, â€Å"Deriving Newtonian Spacetime Geometry† The Astronomical Theories during the Time of Copernicus: Nicholas P. Leveillee, â€Å"Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World† Rebecca Jansen, â€Å"Copernicus: Not Just an Astronomer† Fluid Flows: Jim Lucas, â€Å"What Is Fluid Dynamics?† An Outline of a Term Paper in Physics: Key Ideas from Our Writers The complexity of the selected topic on Physics can puzzle and confuse the writer. Face the same stumble stone to start writing a term paper? Hence, to avoid the misinterpretation, it is important to elaborate on the outline, which aims to facilitate the process of investigation, due to its schematic structure: The denotation of the audience and purpose of the work; The thesis statement around which a term paper goes; The organization: an abstract, introduction, main body, conclusion, list of references. The Structure of the Term Paper on Physics Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to represent the major topics of the exploration. It must be concise and indicate only the main information related to the theme of the investigation. It consists of the introductory sentence which leads to the key points of the investigation and the closing. For instance, the abstract for the Gravity Waves theme: ‘Doubtless, that the gravity waves have a significant impact on both the human organisms and the nature in a whole’ (introductory sentence). The paper provides a brief analysis of the reasons for the gravity waves appearance and the new methodology of their detection. The paper deals with three experimental groups: LISA, VIRGO, LIGO (key points). The implementation of this methodology will alter the persona perception and comprehension of the gravity waves less than in generation (closing). Introduction The primary aim of an introduction is to provide the reader with the background of the explored topic and to indicate the paper’s objectives. The introduction section consists of the leading sentence and the thesis statement, which includes one-two sentences and reveals the purpose of the paper. The example of the lead-in: ‘The contemporary explorers Dr. Vladimir B. Braginsky and Dr. Joseph Weber’s have stated that the gravity waves have a close connection with the theory of relativity. Thus the mentioned theory does not represent the holistic representation of the mentioned phenomena, but it indicates the sources and reasons for their appearance in nature.’ The correct thesis statement: ‘By considering the mentioned investigations, the paper reveals the further alteration of the gravity waves significance within the humankind. The implementation of the LISA, VIRGO, and LIGO groups assists in the indication of the contemporary positive and negative aspects of the gravity waves.’ The academic writing style is the next point worth consideration. The introduced examples reflect a high level of the writer’ language acquisition. For instance, such words as implementation, to analyze, to clarify, indication, contemporary are applicable for the academic writing. The wrong thesis statement: ‘As you can see, the paper tells about the gravity waves and their impact on the humankind. Also, due to the involvement of three organizational groups, I aim to prove that the gravity waves term will lose its significance in the next decade.’ This thesis is incorrect as it represents the noncompliance with the basic rules of the academic writing. Considering the studying level and the paper’s significance, the writer must avoid using the personal pronouns like I, you, we. The compulsory element of both, term or research paper is the indication of the scholar investigations in the thesis statement. In this sample, the author provided the readers with the general idea of the paper without regarding the academic basis of the work. The Main Body The main body aims at providing the reader with the explanation of the conducted investigation. The writer is required to involve an abundant amount of explorations and to cite them. Moreover, due to the obtained knowledge from the course, the writer has to represent the personal evaluation of the explored issue. He/she can either support or deny the statements of the sources. The number of paragraphs in the main body can vary distinctly considering the number of pages required. The writer has to follow a specific structure to elaborate the compelling analysis of the issue. Each paragraph includes the leading sentence, which indicates the starting point of the theme clarification. Then it develops into the explanation of the chief information including scientific information and personal reflections towards the theme. The last point is the transition sentence, which aims to conclude the represented information and to direct the reader’s attention to the next paragraph. The example of the body paragraph. The gravitation wave is an altered mass of energy which appears from the core of the galaxy, and due to its chemical structure produces the significant impact on the surface of the Earth (the introductory sentence). Supporting Einstein’s theory of relativity, the gravity waves can reach the speed of light and cause the alterations in the magnetic field of Earth. Therefore, the correlation between the gravity waves and the space-time proves that the atmosphere faces the temporal modifications like the magnetic storms which can deteriorate the physical state of the people (chief information). The space-time can alter its trajectory under the influence of the gravity waves. The last phenomenon deals with the alteration in the matter movement caused by the space-time. This synergetic correlation demands the specific tools for the issue analysis (transition sentence). Conclusion The conclusion reflects the results of the term paper. The writer has to provide a brief list of achievements (not summary), without the detailed explanation of the whole paper. Considering the length of the paper, the amount of the sentences can vary in the conclusion. Due to the adherence to the basic rules of the academic writing, the minimal paragraph has to include at least three sentences and cover four full lines. The example of the conclusion. ‘While talking about the interaction between the time-space and the gravity waves, the paper reflects the phenomenon like alteration in the matter and the time movement. Einstein’s theory of relativity denotes that the gravity waves can move with the speed of the light and affect the surface of Earth which affects the human’s organism negatively. The implementation of the LIGO, LISA, and VIRGO experimental groups prove the possible alteration in the comprehension of the gravity waves within the next decade.’ The List of References The writer has to create the references list considering the formatting style required in the instructions. The most common are the MLA and APA formats. The APA reference example: Ciufolini, I., Gorini, V., Moschella, U. (n.d.). Gravitational Waves. Retrieved from the online source. MLA reference example: Ciufolini, Ignazio, Gorini, Vitorrio, and Moschella, Ugo. Gravitational Waves. Taylor Francis Group, 2001. Additional Physics Term Paper Tips on Proofreading After finishing the term paper in Physics, you as its author are obliged to check the accuracy of the information presented. This process includes the correct grammar: tense, verb and noun forms; the stylistics: the appropriateness of the compound words; punctuation: the correct use of commas, semicolons. In addition, it is essential to check the paper for plagiarism. In this way, you will avoid any misunderstanding or inaccuracy connected with the task. That’s the moment when you’re ready to write a term paper in Physics. Despite this work can seem to be too challenging, you’ll be able to pick the fruit of work a high mark for academic writing. Sounds wonderful? Try out the way of good term paper writing given in this physics term paper writing guide!